Giving & Donations

Thank you for taking time to consider supporting the work of All Saints, Danehill with Chelwood Gate. Generous giving is vital to enable us to provide services, pastoral support and outreach to the community, including  Noah’s Ark parent & toddler group, Ark Cafe, Holiday Clubs, TNT youth group, May Camp, Ashdown Café, home visits, and much more!  We also maintain two beautiful and historic buildings for us to meet in and which also provide a place for weddings, baptisms, funerals, and special services. 

For ease there are 6 different ways you can  help to support our work. Thank you again.

  • Planned Giving

    It helps the most when people are able to commit to regular giving and we are part of the Parish Giving Scheme. You can now set up regular giving or make a one off donation online  (PGS donate online). The church receives all of your donation from the Parish Giving Scheme and in addition it  helps us to maximise our income through Gift Aid and reduce administration. Paper forms are also available at the back of church.

  • Text Giving

    Send a text to 70085 using the word GIVER followed by an amount, for example: 

    GIVER5 to give £5 / GIVER10 to give £10 / GIVER20 to give £20

    There is an option afterwards to complete a gift aid form.

  • Online Giving

    To make an online donation please visit our Givey page here:

     All Saints, Danehill Givey Page

  • Contactless Giving

    In church look out for our 'Goodbox' contactless device to enable you to give quickly and easily. Tap the screen to select the amount of your donation.

  • Cash Giving

    In church there is a cash collection plate available at the back of the church.

  • legacy

    Should you be interested in Legacy giving, you may like to read our policy here: Legacy Policy

    Do get in contact with Paddy or Charles if you have any queries.

  • Easy fundraising

    Do you shop online? Easyfundraising is a simple way to donate that wont cost you anything either.  Almost all major brands will donate a small % of a your spend to All Saints Danehill. This helps All saints to do it’s vital work in the community.  

    Here's how:

    1. sign-up here

    2. choose All SAINTS DANEHILL as your cause ‘ADD THE DONATION REMINDER’.  

    Thank you!